What is a Good Free Online Passport Photo Making Tool?
13-Apr-2022 Passport Photo Online Tool

A passport photo is not something that you require from time to time, you just need it mostly once in a decade. It is not possible to remember all the requirements of the passport photo like the size of the passport photo and the color and other things as well while one is applying for an online passport or visa renewal process.

When you are applying for an online passport or by paper, you need a passport photo. For that, you can get your passport photo online for free by using an online passport photo tool. Here are all the details about online passport photo tools.

Online Applications

There are a few applications that are free online visa photo makers. You can download them and use them. Here is how they work.

First of all, after downloading the photo you have to open the in-app camera and you have to make certain things sure while clicking the photo.

· You are looking straight into the camera.

· You should not be wearing any type or any uniform related to a specific organization or any nation.

· Your eyes should be open and visible and your hair should not be covering up your eyes.

· There should be no shadow on your face or behind you.

After making sure of these things you have to capture the photo and the passport photo will be automatically generated by the app. The size of the photo and the background will be automatically charged to the standard one, the one required for the passport size photo.

By Using Software and Websites

In this method, you take a photo of yourself keeping in mind all the below-mentioned points in mind. In this method, you can convert your photo, taken from your mobile into a passport size photo online

· Your background should be clear and light.

· You are looking straight into the camera.

· You should not be wearing any type or any uniform related to a specific organization or any nation.

· Don’t take a picture in darkened

· Your eyes should be open and visible and your hair should not be covering up your eyes.

· There should be no shadow on your face or behind you.

Here comes the part where you have to edit it and make it according to the standards of a required passport photo. Follow the following steps.

· Open the website or software from where you want to edit it.

· Make the picture a little brighter and in focus.

· Adjust the pixels from 600 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall.

· The minimum size should be 50kb and it should not exceed the size of 10Mb.

· There should be no object or shadow or anything else in the photo, if there is then you have to remove it by editing.

And you are done with your passport sized photo by using online photo tools. You can use it for online applications and print it out for paper applications as well. You will no longer have to depend on anyone else just to get your passport photo done and you can do it yourself.


You can convert your photo into passport size photo online and a visa photo online as well.  You just have to use the right tools and websites. You can also do it by downloading an app on your smartphone. These days with increased technology, you no longer have to pay for your passport sized photos anymore. Just do it on your phone and it will only take a few minutes.